PinkSale Trending
PinkSale trending service available as a crypto marketing service for tokens and cryptocurrencies. Propel your token being audited and KYC verified, and then right to the top of the PinkSale trending section! Buy PinkSale trending to start trending today with our scheduled trending service.
Elevate the probability of hitting your PinkSale Presale Hard Cap by trending across the entire platform.
Where will it be visible?
▹ On PinkSale’s homepage, click here to visit.
Questions, Previous Clients & Service Effectiveness:
Contact either Romulus or Rez
on Telegram.
i) KYC Verified.
ii) Contract Audit Completed.
ℹ Desirable, but not required:
iii) Upcoming status, i.e. before presale is live.
If your project is struggling with any of the eligibility requirements, please contact us and see if we can help.